Patient Portal

At Naturopathic Specialists, we use Charm Personal Health Portal for all patient communications, lab results, and appointment reminders.

Introduction to Patient Portal

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to request that my medical records be sent to my doctor at Naturopathic Specialists?

Yes, it is the responsibility of the patient to provide us with the most up-to-date information that is generated outside of our office. It is not standard practice for us to contact your other doctors to request records. You can request that doctors outside of our office send us copies of consultation and reports like labs, scans or pathology. We can also provide you with a medical record release that you can fill out and send to your doctors.

How long should I expect to wait for a response from the front desk after making an inquiry?

Our front office team acts on behalf of our physicians and are not only highly trained but also work closely with the physicians that they are assigned to. With the many patient inquiries we receive on a daily basis, we ask that you please allow us 24-48 business hours after a portal message or phone inquiry to answer your questions. Please also note that these inquiries may require physician input and our front office staff will never answer a question that requires medical decision-making.

What is the best way to communicate with the team at Naturopathic Specialists?

Our practice experiences a consistently high call volume so if you do not receive an answer, please leave a voicemail and we will return your call as soon as possible, within two business days. All electronic patient communications must be done through the patient portal as we do not interact with patients via email. Inquiries that come through the patient portal system are often answered on the same day but may take up to two business days. Often, portal messages that are concise and more consolidated are answered more quickly. Long communications tend to indicate that an appointment may be necessary. Please note that electronic messages cannot be used in place of a formal consultation. It is the discretion of the doctor to determine what should be addressed in formal consultation.

What are your patient protocols at Naturopathic Specialists?

Our clinic protocols are part of what sets us apart from other physicians’ offices. Our doctors write everything down. This serves as a document for reference for you and the clinic staff and includes labs, details about your case and treatments, and is designed for consistency between consults.
Each protocol is designed for your situation at the time of consult but we understand that your health and status are dynamic and have developed 2 types of protocol changes:

Formal, no consult: information is given to our front desk which is included in your documentation and given to the doctor who can determine whether a protocol change is necessary. This does not require an in-person consult and you will be able to view these changes in your message portal within 2-3 business days. There is a charge for this service.

Formal, with consult: When a change in status requires a consult, as most do, we will seek to schedule this consult as soon as possible. If a timely appointment is not possible, the doctor can create a formal, no consult change in the meantime.
Please keep in mind that protocols are designed very specifically for your individual health so please do not try to substitute treatments or products. This will allow us to maintain our level of service to you.

Can the team at Naturopathic Specialists answer questions about supplements or treatments?

We often receive inquiries where patients want their doctor to evaluate a supplement or treatment that has been found outside of our practice. Our physicians are happy to oblige these requests, but it does require a formal process including medical decision and charting as protocol edits, thus a fee is assigned for this.
It is not required that you purchase or use supplements from our clinic, but it is important to note that the supplements, nutraceuticals, botanicals, etc. available in our office are carefully selected and trusted by our physicians. Great thought is given to the products and ingredients used and it may be potentially dangerous to purchase medical products other than those prescribed by your physician as it may be a wrong or inappropriate product or one that is contraindicated. Please use caution and maintain communication with your physician about all supplements, products, and treatments.

How does lab testing work at Naturopathic Specialists?

Our physicians will often suggest lab testing to determine your unique biochemical situation and treatment protocol. We will not automatically generate request forms nor send you testing kits without your permission. Please note that you are responsible for all charges or fees for the lab testing that you elect to do. HMOs, Medicare, and all government sponsored insurances (military, Medicaid, etc.) will not cover this testing. Many private PPO type of insurances will pay for lab work, but this is not guaranteed, and you will assume this risk when you agree to accept lab requisitions from our physicians.
Results from commercial labs such as LabCorp, Quest, or a hospital lab may take up to 17 days to be returned. This is very important when scheduling your lab draw in reference to your follow-up appointment.
It is important to note that most specialty labs are cash-pay only. If you opt for specialty labs, please make sure you communicate this clearly to our staff so we may provide the appropriate kits and requisition forms. Results from specialty labs often take 21 days to be sent to our office, please schedule accordingly.

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